The Carmody Family

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Wisconsin Christmas Part II

After we open gifts it's time for family photos. Each family takes their turn and then we have kid and grandkid photos as well. It was a pretty good year this time. The only one missing was my sister Beth's oldest, Jimmy who live in Las Vegas. Here are some interesting stats about the family:

2 parents
5 children
5 in-laws
13 grandchildren (12 were present)

There is a 29 year difference in age between the oldest cousin (Jimmy) and the youngest (Mackenzie). That is also the difference in age between oldest (Roseann Litton) and youngest cousin's (Becca Kienast) in my generation on my mom's side of the family. However there are 38 1st cousins vs. 13 in our family! I thought that was quite interesting when I thought about it.

Here's my little family:

Sandy's family:

Sue's family:

Beth's family (missing Jimmy):

Al's family:

Grandma and Grandpa (aka mom and dad):

We had to wake Mattie up from a nap for this photo of the 12 of the 13 grandkids. We'll I guess we didn't actually wake Mattie up! She stayed asleep for the photo shoot!:

Mom and dad and the 5 of us kids:

Does Schaun look like a natural or does it look like he's holding a bomb and wants to get as far away as he can?

Say "Cheese"!

Everyone had there turn holding Mackenzie before they left for the night.
Here's Tyler and Mackenzie:

Michael and Mackenzie:

Josh and Mackenzie:

Boy can a day of family and presents really wear you out or what:

Amanda and Schaun stayed around for the evening and played dominoes:

I think Mackenzie chewed (gummed) Amanda a few unwanted times!:

Dinner time for 'Kenzie:

Mattie had to play her version of dominoes as well with grandma:

Awww, this is such a great photo that I had to put it on the cover of the Mattie and Mackenzie 2007 calendar:

It was a quick weekend in Saukvile. We were said to have to leave. Thanks again to everyone for the gifts. Hope you make it to Colorado sometime soon. It'll be a while (at least a year or more) before we'll be back in Wisconsin.


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