Visit to Grammy and Grampy Ashley in the Carolinas
The whole family headed down to Myrtle Beach and a visit to Grammy and Grampy Ashley on November 18th. Unfortunatly we could not all get tickets on the same flights. Mattie and I flew down together and Mackenzie and Kim flew down several hours later. Mattie and I picked up the rental van and did some playing in Myrtle Beach before we had to pick up Kim and Mackenzie at the airport. We went to "Broadway at the Beach" with is a big open air shopping/eating and entertainment area. Mattie got to go on a couple kiddie rides:
Mattie and Mackenzie took no time at all to warm-up to Grammy and Grampy. This was Mackenzie's first time meeting her Ashley Grandparents:
Mattie was very excited to help Grammy decorate cupcakes for desert:
Mattie was there to offer Grammy tech support on the computer!:
Much more to come in the following days as I make several posts on our trip to the Carolinas...
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