The Carmody Family

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas in Denver - During the BIG storm

Every December we get together with John and Tracee Meinel and Eric and Val Weber for a Christmas celebration. John, Eric and I were roomates in college and Eric and I know each other since about birth. It's always a fun occation. Here are a couple photos:

Blakely Weber, Lilly Meinel and Mackenzie:

Val Weber reads to Matiie with Evan Meinel looking on:

Mackenzie and Mattie pose in front of our Christmas tree:

Taty, our nanny, gave the girls some really nice gifts for Christmas:

I'm sure you all heard about our monster snow storm a few days before Christmas. Well, the snow was coming down starting on Wednesday morning, December 20th and we knew we where in for a big storm. We decided to open up Christmas presents that afternoon that we recieved from my side of the family and from Kim's dad and step-mom. Even though we went to Wisconsin for an early Christmas, my mom and brother's family had already given us Christmas gifts back in October not knowing that we'd visit Wisconsin agin in December. We figured we were going to open these gifts up before we drove to Omaha for Christmas anyway so why not let MM and Mack play with there new toys for a couple days while were were snowed in. Thank you again to everyone who gave us gifts:

My mom gave Mattie some homemade needlepoint furniture. A bed, dresser with mirror and chairs:
Mattie instantly went to her room to sent up the little bed on the floor next to her bed for her dolls to sleep:


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