The Carmody Family

Friday, November 30, 2007

Daddy on Board and Pro Photos of MM and Kenzie

Some of you may have heard that Kim and I were interviewed for a book written about the changing roles of men in child raising. Several couples were interview all with different child raising roles. Our unique spin on things were that I took 3 months off when both the kids were born. It was a very interesting non-scientific study. If you are interested in the book here is a link to it on Amazon:

Daddy on Board: Parenting Roles for the 21st Century (Speaker's Corner) (Hardcover)

Hardcover: 112 pages
Publisher: Fulcrum Publishing (November 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1555916317
ISBN-13: 978-1555916312

Dottie had a book signing at one of our local bookstores that we attended. Here's Mattie and Jasper who is the Author's grandson and son of one of Kim's good friend and co-worker:
Dottie reading from the book:

Kenzie enjoyed other parts of the bookstore like the puppet show area:

Mattie and Mackenzie had some professional photos taken of them outside at Mattie's school. Very cute:


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