The Carmody Family

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Viewing the Elk with Grandma and Grandpa

Well, we made it back to Denver from our trip to Las Vegas. My mom and dad had another day to spend in Colorado before they had to return to Wisconsin. We spent the day up in Rocky Mountain National Park checking out the elk.

Before we went, Grandma had to feed Mackenzie:

It was a beautiful day up in the mountains. Unfortunately it was a few weeks before the color of the trees would peak:

We saw quite a few elk but not as many as we have seen in previous years. Here are a few big bulls we saw:

A coyote even made an aperance in the brush:

The elk eevn took over one of the local golf courses:

Back in Denver, Grandpa reads "What Grandpa's Do Best" to Mattie:

Mattie was still on a "high" form the wedding on Las Vegas. She dressed up her animals (notice the veil on the one giraffe, and the tie on the other" for a wedding. So cute:

Time to say good-bye to grandpa and grandma:

Here's Mattie at her preschool:

Kenzie loves to take the cushion off the chair so she can climb in all by herself:


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