The Carmody Family

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

First week home for the hospital

Life has been pretty good for the Carmody family. Mackenzie has proven to be a wonderfully easy baby much like her big sister was when she came home from the hospital. Mattie herself has been a bit of a challenge but nothing that should not have been expected. MM is acting up a bit at bed time. We're having some trouble getting her to stay in her bed. She first doesn't want to go to bed and then won't stay in bed when we get her there. She is only 2 and a half so maybe it's just her age as much as having a little baby in her house stealing her thunder. I'm not worried that she'll adjust over the next couple weeks.

I have to express a big THANK YOU to Claudia "Mimi" Walker for all her help. She has been with us since the day Mackenzie was born and has been staying in bed with Kim for all the nightly feedings. I get to stay downstairs and get a full night of sleep since I went directly back to work when we came home from the hospital. Reality will sink in for me this Saturday when she returns to Omaha and we are on our own again.

Here are a few photos from the past week or so:


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