The Carmody Family

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Mackenzie's Birth

I thought I'd recap for you how we ended up going to the hospital 10 days before our due date and 5 days before our scheduled C-section. Thursday night we decided to go to one last movie together. About 6:00 Kim started to have some contractions. Not a big deal as she's had them before and it's not uncommon to have them this late in the pregnancy. We decided to go to the 6:50PM movie anyway and see what happens. We went to "The Da Vinci Code" which was a little disappointing as a movie compared to the book. During the movie Kim kept having contractions but they still were not regular but they were getting more intense so we knew this was going to be a little different. Things continued when we came home so me made several phone calls to Kim's mom and to our neighbor Anita to put them "on call". We wrapped up our packing and preparing encase we needed to go to the hospital that night. Kim was sending out work e-mails up till about 11:45 or so. We went to bed at 12:00 and Kim woke up at 12:10 with a very intense contraction and felt that her water may have broke. Kim called her doctor and she told us to come on in to the hospital. We had our neighbor Anita come over to spend the night with Mattie Marie. She snapped this last photo of us before we let to the hospital at 12:30 AM:

We made it to the hospital around 12:45 and they started doing the testing and setting up monitors. Kim will be better at describing her discomfort during this time but I can say it was worse for her this time than with Mattie Marie. You can tell she's not to happy here:

She was preped and taken into the delivery/operating room at 1:55. She had her spinal shot that made her much happier:

Things went so fast at this point that I'm not sure what happened. By time the doctors started their actual work it was no more than 5 minutes and out came little Mackenzie! Totally blue and screaming her head out before she emerged!:

She was beautiful! We were both so happy and in shock that we were parents again! I thought she sounded and looked a lot like Mattie Marie right away. Mackenzie was a little bigger than MM was and she had more hair and it was slightly darker I would say. They cleaned her up and sewed (well, stapled actually) Kim back up and we got to spend an hour or so in the recovery room before we went up to our actual room. Here is our first photo together in the recovery room:

I'll recap the rest of our hospital stay in my next post. Stay tuned!



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