The Carmody Family

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Early Summer fun

Avery, one of MM's preschool friend came over to play:

Mattie and Kenzie in the "Circle of Safety":

Here's Mackenzie's new playhouse. This is our 1st Birthday present to her. Many of you may have chipped in for it as well. Thank you! It's really fun and really big. I'll get some other photos of it during Mackenzie's birthday party.

They had a kid's day down at the new mall area. Mattie had a tarantula walk on her hand:

MM had to wear her Cinderella dress for the day:

Kim's friend Shawn was in town while he drove across the country on his motorcycle. MM tried on his helmet:

These photos are sooo sweet. Can you believe Mackenzie is so blond now? She's much blonder than Mattie:

Mattie and Evan (John and Tracee Meinel's youngest) walk on some rocks at our friend, Doug and Michelle Dussaults new house:


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