The Carmody Family

Friday, April 18, 2008

Spring Skiing with the family!!!! All is well with the world!

My sister Beth, nephew Jim(my) and his wife Christy came out for a ski weekend in April. What a great time we all had. Mattie and Mackenzie just loved having them stay with us.

Here's Auntie Beth with Mattie:

We went up to Arapahoe Basin (A-Basin) to ski. Mackenzie enjoyed the day being pulled around in the sled:

Taty, our nanny also went along for the ride:

Mattie is getting better at skiing with her ski aids:

Beth skied while Jim and Christy ripped it up on the snowboards:

Beth showing her moves:


Myself, Christy, Beth and Jim:


Beth and I at the top of the world... You can see Keystone and Breckenridge in the distance

Jimmy showing his moves:


We stayed in a great 4 bedroom condo in Keystone. The girls loved there new dolls that Jim and Chrity gave them:

Christy and Mattie in the pool:
Kim and Mackenzie havin' fun:

After a couple days of skiing we came back to Denver. Here we are out at dinner:

Drinks at the Rio:

Next was a stop up in Boulder:
We sure had fun with the family in town. Hopefully this will be a yearly tradition.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Early April... fun is comin'

April really was the first good month of the year for us. I think it's safe to say we would love to just forget about the first 3 months of the year.

I visited Mattie's school one day that Taty was sick and let Kenzie play in the playground when school was over. Here she is in a tunnel:

Mattie with some of her "Lunch Bunch" friends:

Jonah, who lives down the block, had his 4th birthday party at a kiddie friendly bouncy place. Here's Kenzie on a trampoline:

Mya, Jonah's little sister and future BFF of Kenzie:

Bright red and bright blue frosting! Yummy:

When you have kids it seems that you are always going to a birthday party. Well, the same day Jonah had his party, the twins, Evan and Aidan had there own bouncy party. They had a bouncy castle in there backyard:

Boys always have plenty of trucks for the little girls to play with:

Pinata fun:

Kenzie with Jasper:

I asked Mattie to change Kenzie's diaper for me and shockingly she did it! Thankfully it was just a #1 moment:

My good friend John Meinel had his 40th birthday party on tax day, the 15th of Apil. Tracee set up the night and John was totally surprised. Here are the lovely ladies. Val Weber, Kim, Michelle Dussault and Tracee Meinel:

And of course the old men: John Meinel, Doug Dussault, me and Eric Weber:

Hey Eric, The ocean called and they are running out of shrimp...and crab... and lobster!: