February... getting better
February didn't start out so well for us. I was battling shingles and Kim was traveling a lot. Fortunately the kids had no idea about how difficult somethings can be and just play and have fun all the time!
Here's Mattie and Mackenzie with MM's "BFF" Irie and her younger sister Mya:

Kim (or was is Santa? I can't remember) made MM a ballet tutu. She loves to dress up in it and once in a while we take her to a little drop-in ballet class on Saturday mornings:

Kim's friend Teressa reads to Jasper, MM and her twins Evan and Aidan (or is it Aidan and Even?):

We had a warm 60 degree day in February where We took the girls to the park:

Finger painting is always so much fun and never makes a mess!:

This was cute. MM and Kenzie decided to dress up in Kim's PJ's and dance around the living room. Hilarious!: