Saturday, April 28, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Take your child to work day
Mackenzie now knows how to clap! Bravo!:

We had our annual, "Take your child to work day". MM came with me to my office to meet some of my co-workers. I wish I had the video camera this day. All the parents and kids meet in the City Council Chambers and the Mayor came to welcome everyone. He had some extra time so he asked if any of the kids had questions. Several of the older kids asked questions about how big the city is, how long you get to be mayor etc. Then the mayor pointed to Mattie who had her hand up just like the older kids. I must have turned 3 shades of red! She did say anything at first, just went "ummmm, aaaa" and then she said "I have my camera with me". Why?? The previous year we had photos taken with the mayor and this year she decided she would take her toy camera with her to take a picture of the mayor, I had to explain to the 100 or more people, including the mayor. Everyone was laughing. The mayor made some funny comment and moved on to another question. We never did get to take pictures with the mayor.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Helping Child/Parent Day
Mattie had her 2nd Helping child/parent day at her preschool at the end of April. Both Kim and I went. Mattie's classmates are sooo sweet.
Mattie greeted all the children when they arrived:

I brought in some maps and had the kids tell me where their grandparents live where we put a dot on the map:

The kids colored the little maps I made:

Kim helped build a marble course:

The kids acted out "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" during the day. We had porridge (instant oatmeal) as a snack:

It also happened to be class picture day:

Saturday, April 21, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Mattie, Seth and Mackenzie crawling
Mattie has started to write her letters. She was very pround that she wrote an "M" for Mattie on the concrete with chalk:

We had dinner at Anita, Mark and Seth's new house. Mattie and Seth are like twins they way there were watched everyday by Taty for so long. Look at them "washing the dishes". Too funny:

Mackennzie is now crawling!

Mattie and Seth, playing "Doctor". We better keep an eye on these two!