Super Diamond!
Ok, here are a few non-child related photos. A few of our neighbors went out one night to see the band Super Diamond. They are a Neil Diamond cover band that has a huge following. They play nothing but Neil Diamond songs and everyone from the band to the fans dress up in 1970's garb. It was a riot!. They played at a club that holds 800-1000 people and it was packed. Everyone was wearing silk shirts, bell-bottom pants, huge afros, rhinestone jackets, you name it. Of course everyone drank there share that evening and all sang along to "Sweet Caroline", "I am, I said", "Cracklin' Rose" and more. These photos actually give a pretty good glimpse of how crazy and fun the night was:
Mike and Ania (Jonah's parents) were the leaders for the night. They have seen Super Diamond several times in the past:
Kelly (in green) lives at the end of our block:
Here's our group photo. Look at Ania's face and check out the glasses in the lower right corner:
If you zoom in you can see that Ania's is tipping her glass and pouring her drink right into Kim's glass totally by accident. This has to be the funniest photo ever:
Here's another photo that shows me looking down because Ania is again spilling her drink!
How old are we again?
The lead singer calls himself "Surreal Neil"
What a great night!