The Carmody Family

Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Years Eve at the Carmody's

Every year we have a New Year's Eve party at our house. We have a big party room downstairs and a really fun group of neighbors. Every one who comes just needs to stumble down the block to get home so no one drives. This year we had 8-10 inches of new snow on top of the 24 we got before Christmas which made the party all the more fun as we knew nobody wanted to travel anywhere else. It was our best party yet!

Jonah and Mattie partied right along with the adults. They both stayed up till 2:00 AM!

Mackenzie enjoyed the festivities as well:

Neighbors Michael, Kelly and Mike:

Mattie wanted a hug and kiss at midnight too!

Michael, Kelly, Dave, Kim and Teresa:

Hedi, Mike, Bree and Dave:

Kim and I:

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Post Christmas in Omaha

Christmas night, after all the festivities, and since Mackenzie was now 6 months old, we gave her "baby food" for the first time. I think it was sweet potatoes. She really liked it! She didn't make all the crazy faces Mattie did when we feed her for the first time.

Mattie playing dress up:

The night after Christmas, Kim and I went to see Manheim Steamroller in concert at the Qwest Center in downtown Omaha. Manheim Steamrooler is a new age orchestra lead by Chip Davis, a native of Omaha. They have been around for many years and are famous for their Christmas Music. I've been listening to them since early in college and always wanted to see them in concert. Kim's mom knew I really wanted to see them and she bought Kim and I tickets for Christmas and she also watched the kids for the night. It was an absolutely wonderful night. Thank you so much! My photos of the night didn't turn out so well but here are a couple.
At one end of the arena they had a HUGE model train set surrounding a Christmas Village. The Christmas trees in the set were 4feet tall at least. The train went around and people dressed as toy soldiers marched and "kept guard" as well:
Here is the orchestra with the choir behind them on stage. Chip Davis plays drums and conducts from the center:
On the 27th, we heard that a new storm was approaching Denver, just a week after the 2 ft storm paralyzed Denver. We checked into it and the weather people were saying that this new storm could very well be as big as the last one. We had to cut our trip short and head home a day earlier than we had hoped. We did have time for one last visit with cousin Charlotte:
We also had to make a quick visit with our friend Sarah and her husband Scotty before we left for home. Sarah was our maid of honor at our wedding a great friend to both of us. They have a little girl, Campbell (Bella), who is 2 and they just had a boy, Scotty, Jr., that was born a few days before Christmas.
Mattie and Bella exchanged presents:

Kim with little Scotty:
Mattie and Bella showing off their cute hats:
The two of them had so much fun:
Sarah, Kim and Scotty:
Proud new momma:

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day in Omaha

Chritmas Eve was a magical night. Santa came!!!

Santa left Mattie a little shopping cart with presents:

Toy farm animals:

Mimi helped read the label from Santa:

A beautiful princess dress for Mattie:

There were even gifts for Mommy:

Stanta left a rocking horse bug fro Mackenzie:

Mimi helped Mattie to get all dressed up:

Christmas night we went over to Kim's sister Stacy's house. Charlotte just loved "baby":

The kids had a great time opening presents:

Pop-pop and Mackenzie:

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve in Omaha

Christmas Eve was a very busy night in Omaha. We began the night at Kim's mom's house for dinner. After dinner we opened presents that we (mom and dad) gave to Mattie and Mackenzie as well as gifts to each other.

Mommy and the kids:

Kim made Mattie an apron and created her own logo (Mattie Marie's Market - quality since 2003!) and play food. Kim spent a lot of time preparing all of it for her. Grocery bags, milk bottles, cookie boxes etc. It was quite exciting for Mattie (and Kim as well):

Later in the night we went over to Kim's step-sisters house to celebrate with the rest of Kim's family. Mimi bought all 3 of her grandchildren the same Christmas dress. The 3 of them posed under the Christmas tree:

Mimi with the grandkids:

The Carmody family:

I wish Mattie had posed better for this group photo:

After photos the kids exchanged gifts with Jake and Cody, Kim's step-sisters kids:

Uncle Mike and Mattie and Charlotte:

Trisha (Kim's step-sister) reads to Mattie:

Mimi, Pop-pop and Mackenzie:

Mackenzie playing with "Howie", Kelly's little dog:

The evening ended at Mimi's hose preparing for Santa. Cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer: